Friday, November 19, 2004

PoD : about infrastructure

I came up with attention as a product, because the infrastructure for attention is already there. Once I found this solution to what seemed to be a problem, it occurred to me that it reveals possibilities beyond the original scope. I think the Internet could also be an adequate infrastructure. What is needed though is some kind of algerithm, heuristic or compression, because otherwise I believe a huge amount of data will need to stream from the mobile device or person through the infrastructure and vice versa.

One example: in a theatre having 500 seats, each spectator is a source of a PoD stream. Also, the owner of the theatre, maybe the people in the bank, and definitely the performers are sources of PoD streams as well. Now let's suppose I'm one of the spectators. In the ultimate situation, my sense of how I like or dislike the performance decides upon the value that i wish to pay for. So there's one stream of price/performance ratio going from me to the performers - they will stop the performance immediately if my price offer does not meet their price demand. But there are 500 people in the audience, so they might want to pay me to shut up - in other words to compensate for the price difference - because they would like the performance to continue. And since my evalutation is on a per second basis, this means huge amount of calculations in quite an interactive mode. All these data need to be combined somewhere, somehow. I hope you see the point of it.

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